
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1527 - Humans

At this point, if we're going to keep insisting on portraying dinosaurs as featherless because it's "cooler", it's time to apply that same logic to art involving bald eagles.

I get the dinosaur parallel, here, I do. I just find it kinda poorly done. For one, dinosaurs couldn't discard their feathers, whereas humans can take their clothes off (wink). For another, I find the movie-logic satire to be incredibly uninteresting compared to however robots would forget everything about their creators.

Like, humans invent robots, that's the first step. Then somehow humans are wiped out completely. And then, all robots lose all memory of humanity, forcing them to resort to old-school excavation and restoration techniques (as evidenced by the "metal crowns poking through their heads", which means that robots found crowned human skeletons and (stupidly) assumed the metal was naturally part of the body).

However, I immensely enjoy the irony of a robot saying that science ruins everything, so I'm actually thinking that I'll give this one a passing grade. And let me just be completely honest here: It's totally because I get annoyed by people who complain that movies should be 'cooler' instead of realistic* too, and I am totally letting my bias get the better of me.

*Not to say that movies shouldn't explore fantasy elements and settings and stuff, but when they do it should be consistent within the universe, instead of (for example) a magical effect being delayed in one scene but not another for cheap drama points.

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