
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1475 - TECHNICALLY

I fucking hate this.
This sort of thing is just something that makes me irrationally angry, and I don't exactly know why; every time someone ignores someone else's point by saying something stupid I just want to punch them in the face. Ugh.
I understand that the idea is supposed to be "Your statement is not even worth a rebuttal", but can't Randy just say that? Does he have to be a goddamn asshole about it?
>inb4 "it takes one to know one": it does, and I am an asshole, but at least I'm not a rude, condescending, prick about it.

When Randy's self insert of the day talks down to White Hat, as in #1386 and #1414, it doesn't make him seem smarter, it makes White Hat seem persecuted.

In Slumdog Millionare, the first scene is Javad Khan blowing smoke in Jamal's face and slapping him, then cutting between Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, shots of money being thrown into a bathtub, and Javad waterboarding Jamal. Aside from being a fantastic opening to an excellent movie with a great soundtrack, it instantly both sets the tone for the movie and makes the viewer side with Jamal. He is the one being abused, he is the one who is being hurt, we don't know why yet, but the cuts to his performance on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? show that he doesn't appear to be malicious at all.

Here, White Hat tries to make a point. We aren't shown his full argument or point, but we do see that Randy decides to rudely cut White Hat off without hearing him out. Randy doesn't even try to justify himself like in #1325, he just tunes White Hat out like everyone should automatically know that Randy is in the right.

Furthermore, it might just be the people I hang out with, but when I'm discussing politics with my good buddies Frank and Lachlan (shout out), the phrase "Technically, [X], but [Y]". As in, "Technically, XKCD isn't worse than the Holocaust, but it is still pretty terrible.". It can be an easy way to provide context.

As is to be expected from a comic featuring White Hat, this comic is not only condescending, annoying, and preachy, this comic hides behind a shallow facade of being comedic so that it can make cheap potshots at strawmen, and is proof of a lack of a loving god.

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