
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1414 - WRITING SKILLS

My first idea for how to review this comic was to do the whole post in horrible, impossible to understand text speak, but no, this comic deserves more than a quick dismissive response.

I feel more than a little hypocritical hating this comic as much as I do, considering half of the reason I started this blog was to improve my XKCD Isn't Funny - #1414 - WRITING SKILLS, but no, I can absolutely justify hating this comic.

Does Randy do this kind of thing in real life? I'm picturing someone idly saying "What are you gonna do, people are stupid." offhand, and Randy's head just rotates towards them, completely independent of his body, his face turning as white as his stick figures, his eyes fading to two small black dots as his fully mechanized body grows to full size, shooting not-quite-applicable metaphors at anyone wearing a white hat. "YOUR OPINION IS MISGUIDED, HERE IS WHY." he will screech robotically, the innocent populace running away as fast as they can.

Jesus hell, that alt-text. Who allowed this to happen? It's not quite as bad as the alt-text to #1363, but it marks the second time that XKCD's had an alt-text long enough to cut out on some browsers. Sorry, all you people that still like Internet Explorer, you don't get to read the whole secret message! That's only for the good children, who use Chrome or Firefox.

I'd like all my readers to take a break from letting my words into your innocent brain and imagine something for a moment: You're a writer, you're trying to convay the message that social media and texting is a positive force. Do you, even for a second, mention sexting of all things?

Questionable Parenting:
Randy is apparently okay with children sending sexually explicit text messages to each other as long as they improve their writing skills while they're doing it.

R.P. Munroe Shows He Is Down With the Kids:
What's a good comparison to sexting? Why, avant-garde modernist James Joyce, of course!

Early 90s Cultural References:
Playing catch.

Memorable Cliffhanger Panel Ending:
Panel 3/4: Sexting/James Joyce.

White Hat comics are just the worst. Has there ever been a more strawmany strawman to exist? I never feel like I'm hitting everything that needs to be hit when I'm reviewing a comic with him in it, there's so many layers of awful that I always forget to touch on a few.

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