
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1474 - SCREWS

(link to comic)

Blogger isn't letting me upload images for the moment. As God's final message to creation goes, "We apologise for the inconvenience".

When I was in middle school, it took me a few months to make my first friend*, and in the meantime, there was the occaisional person-that-was-willing-to-talk-to-me-for-a-lunch. When they sat next to me, they'd sit just far enough that it wouldn't immediately look like we were friends, because they didn't want to be associated with "that weird kid who cried after he got a fifty on his math test".

And that's kinda how I feel about this comic. I'm sitting close to it, but far enough away that no one's going to think we're friends. I like it, but in a hesitant way, on the off chance I lose what little credibility I have. Like, it's a kinda obvious final punchline, but I like the build, even if it is simple. My favorite part of the comic is the "Crap, it's a rivet", because it actually made me think a little about how rivets are removed (as it turns out, they aren't).

I find it somewhat interesting that he's made this joke, though. I'm not someone who has a problem with offensive, morbid, or gross humor, but it just seems unusual for XKCD to have a decapitated head as the punchline. It's like that baby killing joke he made a while ago.

*His name was Dario. He later turned out to be incredibly racist and homophobic and our friendship crumbled when he learned I was an athiest. He would later move to Texas.

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