
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1534 - Beer

Mmmm, this is such a positive experience! I feel no social pressure to enjoy it at all!

Jesus Christ, imagine if you invited someone to a party and they actually acted like this. I bet Randy's the type of person who tries to talk about the social ramifications of the pizza he's eating, too.

But, interestingly enough, there's actually a scientific explanation for why people think different things taste good: You're going to have a predisposition for things that your mother ate while she was pregnant with you. So if your mom ate a lot of potatoes, you might like vodka more. So, no, Randy, we do not all taste things the same way. Many people, I am told, enjoy the taste of beer. Not me, though, I'm an appletini guy.

And even if everyone did actually secretly hate the taste of beer, I think that beer has a slightly better sell than the taste; namely, that it gets you drunk.

I find it really telling that Randy's projecting a part of his worldview onto everyone else, that seems like a really self-centered way to think. It's kinda funny that Hair is supposed to be kind of a douchebag type person, when in making this comic, Randy's done a way more douchebaggy thing.


  1. I just saw this comic on random and had to see if you'd covered it. You got exactly the part that made it seem so douchey; "If I hate beer everybody must hate beer and they all just pretend because they're conformists. Not like sophisticated, unique, contagious me!"
