
XKCD Is Funny - #1533 - Antique Factory

WARNING: This item was aged by the same inexorable passage of time that also processes nuts.

Yo, what's up with the weird cropping on this comic? Look, the outside borders are noticeably clipped compared to the between-panel borders.

That being said, I actually think this is hilarious, like this actually got a laugh out of me. I don't think that's ever happened with a Beret comic before. The setup is to-the-point, the punchline isn't over-labored, and the art adds naturally to the joke.

I really like how Beret isn't over-the-top at all. He's actually downright understated! He's not supernaturally evil for no reason, he's not 'random', he's just going to his bizarre job the way a normal person would go to their job at JobCo.

The comic even leaves out that that "XKCD speak" I've complained about before, where everything reads like a Wikipedia article. I do think that the setup is probably a little too to-the-point, though. Beret just saying "antique factory" the way someone would say "Starbucks" just doesn't gel right with me. "antique factory" isn't the name of a store, there should totally be an "An" at the front of that.

I'm sure someone's pointed this out before me, but I just noticed that Beret's hat makes his head look like an acorn.

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