
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1540 - Hemingway

Instead of bobcat, package contained chair.

More like "HemingGAY" if you ask me!!!
-me, if I was Mark Prindle

I really like the idea behind this. For one, it makes fun of "For Sale: Baby's Shoes, Never Worn", which is well known, short, and therefore ideal for this type of comic. For another, it makes fun of "For Sale: Baby's Shoes, Never Worn" which I've never really thought was as good as everyone (read: my awful 7th grade English teacher) made it out to be. Like, it might as well be "A Baby Died", which is half as long as "FSBSNW" and therefore twice as good.

But I'm not here to discuss six word stories, I'm here to discuss Christian alt rock band Switchfoot!

Well, after listening to every song they've ever recorded, let me tell you... they suck!

Now, with that out of the way, allow me to get a little off topic and talk about the latest XKCD comic: Hemingway.

It's nice that there's a variety of jokes in here, if you don't get one (looking at you, third one from the bottom) you can just move down to the next. However, the recurring 'Hemingway didn't actually write the story' is annoying and doesn't build like a recurring joke should. It's like Randy wants to show off that he knows more than us. Plus, it's weird to see Hemingway's name in the last line after being told three times that he didn't write it.

The text-only format is annoying too, I can imagine this working really well if every line had a single panel commentary of sorts. Like for "For Sale: Baby's Shoes, Just Hatched", there could be an uncomfortable guy holding shoes, drippy with egg fluid, saying "We don't know what laid them.". And for "This Weird Trick Covers Baby Feet!", there could be every Buzzfeed employee being brutally murdered because that's what they all deserve. I could swear that XKCD has even used this multiple caption/panel format before, but I'm drawing a blank. It's possible I'm thinking of Bug Martini.

That said, I did enjoy this comic, definitely way more than every other text-only comic we've seen.

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