
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1547 - Types

colors.rgb("blue") yields "#0000FF". colors.rgb("yellowish blue") yields NaN. colors.sort() yields "rainbow"

I've got nothing. This joke is so far beyond me, it's making colorful metaphors about how beyond me it is.

I do not know programming. Anyone who does, as always, should feel free to comment and tell me why I'm an idiot (in this specific instance, not just in general).

Some uneducated thoughts:
It's text only, which is lame, but I think drawing this all out into panels would actually be a worse choice, dragging it out and defusing the joke. Also it's not short enough to be a tweet so it gets a pass on that as well.
This is one of the few cases of Randy not using setup that I completely understand. Who on Earth would want to learn even coding just so they can get a single XKCD comic?
It feels like there's a progressive escalation of the awfulness of the fake programming language, which I feel like I appreciate.

Essentially, this appears to be a fairly well done comic that I do not get at all and have no interest in getting.

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