
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1496 - Art Project

Why are time-lapse videos worthy of such mockery and scorn? I think they can be pretty cool, and they obviously take a commitment and a decent amount of effort.

It takes a real dick to brazenly insult something that took a lot of effort and that a lot of people enjoy. ;^)

That's not actually hypocritical. It would be if I took out the "effort" part, though. Burn!

But seriously, what is the point of this comic? Like, is there a sudden upturn of amateur time-lapse videos that I've been unaware of? It doesn't even have a justifying buildup like #114.

I'm probably being redundant here, but that punchline is awful. It reminds me unpleasantly of #1475 (not that I could ever be pleasantly reminded of #1475).

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