
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1497 - New Products

If you ever hear "Wait, is that Kim Dotcom's new project? I'm really excited about it and already signed up, although I'm a little nervous about whether everyone should hand over control of their medical...", it's time to dig a bunker in your backyard.

This is such an old observation. TV Tropes even has a whole page for the first two quotes, and probably one or two others that could also apply I'm forgetting.

I actually have an explanation for this sort of thing (that I suspect I might be stealing from a speech my dad gave to me once). When something meets our expectations, we don't take note of it, for the same reason that we aren't surprised when we wake up in the beds we fell asleep in. But when something goes totally against what we believe, we do notice it, for the same reason you'd notice that the sky had suddenly turned pink.

There are of course exceptions to this behavior pattern, although right now I'm pretty tired and can't think of any easy examples off the top of my head other than annoying pricks who say "I told you so" out loud.

This comic of course loses the usual points for being text-only when it could easily be converted into a comic proper. Just replace the text with little one-panel scenarios. Easy peasy.

In conclusion: Apocalypica - "Conclusion".

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