
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1624 - 2016

Want to feel old? Wait.

First comic of the new year! And it is a time is passing comic. Boo! Although I suppose it's really the best time for it, since it is the time of year(s?) when we all look to the past for a bit, as fellow followers of the Gregorian calendar.

I also appreciate the self deprecation, or at least self awareness. The joke isn't just "time is passing!", it's "time is passing!" + ironic detachment. And I, as a jaded millennial, love me some ironic detachment.

I have a minor quibble with the art: the ceiling has depth, but the bed doesn't. It gives the two sides of the comic a slight incongruity.

Overall, though, not a terrible way to start the next series of 156 comics. I don't get much enjoyment out of it, due to my prior exhaustion with time is passing, but that's a personal bias.

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