
XKCD Is Alright - #1400 - D.B. COOPER

I feel weirdly conflicted about this comic. It is well put together, with the direct setup excused by the premise. It's clearly not intended to be a serious suggestion, and it is self-depricating, which I always like.

Something about this comic just rubs me the wrong way, I feel almost suspicious about it, like I'm missing something obviously wrong about it. I understand that "it rubs me the wrong way" isn't a valid criticism of anything except a handjob, and if someone told me that, say, [320 kps] sucked just because they personally didn't like it, I'd be fairly peeved. I'm not about to say this comic isn't funny just because I don't personally feel it's groove.

With all this in mind, I give this comic a tentative thumbs up, except for the awkward sourcing of the photo in the third panel.

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