
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1672 - Women on 20s

I'm not the type of guy to argue that you can psychoanalyze anyone through their oeuvre. However, I do think that you can sometimes interpret someone's worldview through the way they write and stuff. For instance, by the fact that I'm typing this, you can infer that I am continuing to delude myself into thinking that people care what I have to say.

In this comic, Randy's perspective is represented by the offscreen speaker(s), with the exception of the guy in the third panel. Notice how the opposition to his view is not portrayed at all, notice how he shows the other members of the unseen crowd backing him up. His point of view is not only totally correct, it is the only legitimate point of view to have. "Just... do it." he tells the government, as if its so obvious we should have done it already. It makes the comic come off as incredibly sanctimonious, and any humor that could have been derived from the situation is buried underneath his need to show off how correct he is.

I can't get over how he chose to end it, with three people saying "What." in total disbelief. I'm going to phrase this way more insultingly than I should, but it reminds me of like, a toddler who can't accept that something didn't go their way.

To be slightly hypocritical, I think the whole debate is kinda stupid. Anyone who has a serious opinion on what their money should look like probably has too much, y'know? I think a more important conversation would be on how to make pennies and nickels cost less to make than they're worth.

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