
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1490 - Atoms

When I was little I had trouble telling my dad apart from the dog. I always recognized my mom because she had a bunch of extra plutoniums in her middle. I never did ask her why ...

Okay, but if Beret can only see atoms, how can he like, function? The world would be in a constant fog from all the atoms in the air, he probably couldn't see more than a few inches in front of him.

If it's restricted to atoms bonded into solids somehow, how far through things can he see? Has he known what the Earth's core is composed of this whole time and not told anyone? If he can only see the surface of a thing, how can he drive? The windshield would just be a wall of oxygen, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, potassium, titanium, manganese, and iron.

I'd like to pause and thank XKCD for giving me an excuse to google "atomic composition of windshields". Typing that sentence was immediately followed by googling "if using google as a verb should it be capitalized" (it turns out I can go both ways).

And most importantly, if Beret can tell the chemical compositions of things just by looking at them, why couldn't he tell what lug nuts were?

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