
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1652 - Robotic Garage & #1653 - Conditionals

This is like, the most boring way for Black Hat to be Black Hat. Say what you will about him being a mouthpiece for the author's views, at least when that happens he seems like he's having fun. This is the same guy who stole a Russian submarine just to get his hat back, now he's a traffic director?

Even if this is the most evil robotic garage in the world, where they tie you to a chair and then cut apart your car in front of you, that's still a just a job, the thrill of destroying a car is going to wear off when you do it a hundred times a day, five days a week.

Black Hat isn't chaotic neutral in this comic, he's lawful evil. And it is boring. Lawful evil is Nazis and Professor Umbridge. No one wants to be them, because it's not fun. Black Hat is good when he's doing things for his own amusement. With this one, he seems like he's filling some 'evilness' quota. I'm imagining him walking home from work and kicking a puppy so it'll give him an extra five minutes on his lunch break.

I actually like this one. This isn't him lecturing us on how language works, it's him losing a friend because he can't stop being pedantic. You can even project the realization that he's just destroyed a relationship over his need for perfectly unambiguous and literal language. 

It reminds me of #276, but I think it's actually an improvement. #276 had a little bit of a 'too real' moment with the "you don't know how much that made my stomach hurt" / "i want to cry" lines, and this one just lets us imagine all that, leaving the sad parts safely non-visualized. We only get the funny kind of tragedy in this one, and the tragedy is placed entirely on someone who deserved it.

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