
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1506 - xkcloud


I prefer Epicloud, myself.

As with the last April Fool's comic, this is an interactive thing that depends on reader content. And like last the last April Fool's comic, I think it was a pretty awful idea. In fact, it's probably worse.

Whereas last year's comic had premade art for people to caption, this time people are making the art and the captions. Since they're all essentially randomized pairs, the humorous contrast between the picture and the caption is actually destroyed, rather than enhanced. The picture and the caption are equally off the wall and meaningless. Every picture might as well be white noise, and every caption might as well be a series of underscores. 

Compare this chaos with the controlled absurdity that Monty Python, Light And Dark The Adventures Of Dark Yagami, or even dril, has achieved. There's a specific reason for why crazy things happen, it's not just because "lol, random, monkey tacos", it's more like a really really warped setup that makes sense with an eventual punchline or subversion thereof.
(two bonus shoutouts for the hell of it: raocow, PurpleEyesWTF)

Also, I feel like it's worth noting that the first set of caption options I saw included "#notallmen" and a Queen lyric.

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