
XKCD Isn't Funny - #1571 - Car Model Names

CLIMAX is good, but SEXCLIMAX is even better.

It's like a better version of the Planet Names comic. I can really appreciate the math that went into this too*. I was all set to complain about it just being a graph joke, and then he used the information in the graph joke to make a series of mini-punchlines. My favorite is the 2chainz/3chainz! I do feel it ends kinda weak with "Cervixxx" which strikes me as the "ew sex" thing Randy does occasionally. Additionally, the more gibberishy ones tend to fall flat since obviously you can stack the deck if you know which letters lead to which outcome. Overall, though, pretty enjoyable!

*Assuming the math is accurate. I'd appreciate an actual explanation of how the numbers were reached.

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